Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On analysis of realization in additional lingual practices under conditions of institutions of higher education

T.V. Sidorenko, E.S. Butakhova


Sidorenko Tatiana Valeriyevna
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences
National research Tomsk polytechnic university, Cybernetic Institute
Head of Foreign Language Department
Butakova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Senior lecturer of Foreign Language Department
National research Tomsk polytechnic university, Cybernetic Institute
Examined are approaches to organization of additional lingual practices for students in non-linguistic high school, as well as an analysis of existing experiance
in three-levelled system, i.e. contential, organizational and methodological, presented. Results in questionnairing of of students, that allow to appreciate advantages
and defects of lingual practices’ realization, as well as to make conclusions, promoting further qualities’ improvement of educational services, are also presented.
Key words: lingual practices, intensification in linguistic training, training in foreign language in non-linguistic high school
1.     Sidorenko T.V., Igna O.N., Ryboushkina S.V., Didenko A.V. On the issue of foreign language training in non-linguistic universities abroad. // In the world of scientific discoveries. – 2012. – № 9.3(33). – P. 97 – 118.
2.     Methodical recommendations on writing a final qualified thesis with applying foreign language. Mode to access:
3.     Methodical recommendations on writing a final qualified thesis / Barysheva G.A., Livshich V.I. and others/. Tomsk, 2009. Mode to access: