Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Study in attitude of bachelors in pedagogics to content and technologies while being trained in mathematical disciplines

L.V. Davidenko, I.Yu. Zhmurova, A.V. Ignatova, N.A. Polyakov, T.S. Polyakova


Lyubov V.Davidenko, Department of mathematics, algebra and mathematical analysis, assistant lecturer
Irina J.Zhmurova, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Department of mathematics, algebra and mathematical analysis, associate professor
Anna V.Ignatova, Department of mathematics, algebra and mathematical analysis, assistant lecturer
Nikolay A.Polyakov, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate professor, Department of mathematics, algebra and mathematical analysis, head of a chair
Tatyana S.Polyakova, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of geometry and methodology of teaching mathematics, Professor
Southern Federal University
Examined are difficulties, arising in bachelors in pedagogics while they are studing by-choice discipline “Lenear programming”. The authors present an analysis of significance of educational methodical resources, as well as of students’ attitude to technologies and methods of training.
Key words: evaluation of difficulties, linear programming, index of importance, integration connections
1.                           Polyakova, T.S. Analysis in difficulties of beginner lecturers during pedagogic activity. — M.: Pedagogy Publ., 1983.

Zhmurova, I.Yu. Integration connections of mathematics in professional training of a pedagogue // Materialy VII mezinarodni vedecko-practicka konference. — Vedecky pokrok na prelomu tysyachalety. — 2011, Dil. 14. — Praha, Education and Science Publ., 2011