Pak Yuri Nikolayevich
Doc. of Eng., professor, head of a department
Shilnikova Irina Olegovna
senior methodologist of a department
Pak Dmitri Yuryevich
Cand. of Eng., associate professor of the geophysics chair
Karaganda State technical University
Analyzed are institutionalized aspects in organization of students’ independent work under context of both the Bologna process and educational programs of new generation. Accentuated is the role of a lecturer in the process of development of cognitive skills of students. Some recommendations are elaborated for raising effectiveness of self-educational activity under nowadays conditions.
Key words: independent work of students, the Bologna process, cognitive skills, self-educational activity, lecturer’s role, high school of Kazakhstan.
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4. Pak, Yu.N., Pak, D.Yu. Developing of New Generation Educational Programs: Experience of Kazakhstan High School // Alma mater (Vestnil vysshei shkoly). — 2013. — No. 9.
5. Belchik, Т.А. Problems of Students’ Independent Work Organization // Bull. of KemSU. — 2009. — No. 1.
6. Petukhov, T.P., Belonovskaya, I.D., Glotova, N.I., Pashkevich, M.S. Independent Work in Students’ and Teachers’ Opinion: Monitoring Results // Higher Education in Russia. — 2012. — No. 1.