Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Conclusion of dissertation board on defended dissertation work: why it’s quite often returned is in boards with serious remarks

S.D. Reznik, O.A. Sazikina


Reznik S.D.

Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Director of Institute of economy and

management of the Penza state University of architecture and construction

Sazikina O.A.

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department «Management»

of the Penza state University of architecture and construction



Examined are some shortcomings in dissertation works, accepted by dissertation boards on defended dissertations. Special attention is paid to formulation of scientific results and their scientific novelty, and also to personal contribution of competitor for dissertation, reliability of put-forward provisions by him, their value for theory and practice, recommendations about practical use of research results, as well as of general conclusions.

Key words: dissertation board, conclusion, dissertation work.



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