Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Modern guidelines for social partnership in the field of education: Opportunities for establishing partnerships between children of generation Z and the teaching community

I.G. Tretyak
UDC 37.01
Irina. G. Tretyak, Cand. Sc. (Pe
dagogy), Docent, Corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, North-Eastern State University, Magadan City, e-mail:

This article examines the phenomenon of “digital generation” or generation Z using the example of students in modern Russian educational organizations. The concepts of “social partnership” and “social partnership in the field of education” are introduced, the principles and main types of social partnership in teaching activities are revealed. The characteristics of the establishment of social partnership in education and upbringing between representatives of the digital generation of schoolchildren and the teaching community represented by creative, enthusiastic, competent specialists not only in pedagogical activity, but in its types that are exciting and effective for schoolchildren of generation Z, in particular, directly relating to business structures.

Keywords: phenomenon “digital generation”, generation Z, education, upbringing, educational organization, educational space, social partnership, social partnership in the field of education, partnership

This article is based on the registered interim report on research work “Digital Generation in Education: social partnership or innovative interaction in the educational environment”, registration number 2240219001197-9 dated 19.02.2024.


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