Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Project method as a Technology for teaching Foreign language to students in Transport

A.V. Biryukovа

UDC 378::656+811.111`24         


Alla. V. Biryukovа, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the Department Socio-Economic Disciplines and Service at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, e-mail:


The project method as one of the effective technologies for teaching students on a foreign language in transport university is considered in the article. The article reveals a history of the project method development, as well as key features of using the project method for analysis and response to extreme situations related to transport. The author’s educational technique is proposed and introduces into the project method elements of discussion, reading, dialogue between students, as well as analysis of picture in order to develop the communicative skills of students to serve passengers in transport. The author uses the experiment method, which made it possible to analyze the method in practical classes on service in the field of transport. The experiment revealed both positive and negative aspects of the developed technique. The author demonstrates the use of the project method in foreign language classes related to transport.

Key words: project method, training technologies, higher education, competencies, service, transport sphere.




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