Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Vocational education’s development factors in the Volga region during the years of the Great Patriotic War

Yu.V. Veldina, O.A. Vagaeva

UDC 377(470+571-32)"1941/45"


Yu.V. Veldina is Cand.Sci (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. e-mail:; and O.A. Vagaeva is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. e-mail:

 at Penza State Technological University


Presented are vocational education’s development factors in the Volga region during the Great Patriotic War that have made generally their presence felt on its continuous development. These factors (precedent conditions for emergence of any phenomenon) were promotive of what the vocational education in the Volga region not only continued in operation and trained highly qualified specialists, but also reached its “heyday”. The vocational education’s main development factors during the Great Patriotic War can include accelerated development of the Volga region’s economy, defense industry’s development, industrial enterprises’ evacuation, ideologization’s growing role in the vocational education, educational and research institutions’ growth in the Volga region due to evacuation from neighboring regions, restoration of the national economy in the 1940th years. The choice of the territorial framework is due to the fact, that the Volga region is the central region of Russia, particularities of the vocational education’s development are typical for other regions of Russia. The choice of the time frame is determined by the need to study positive experience, accumulated in the past in the war time’s difficult conditions for purpose of use it in modern conditions. The analysis method, the synthesis method, the generalization method, the comparative historical method, the historical-logical and the retrospective methods, the method of historical problem’s actualization, the statistical method of materials treatment will be carried our plan.

Key words: education, vocational education, development factors, the Volga region, future specialists, the Great Patriotic War.



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