Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Value and significance of the discipline “Foreign language” within formation and content of modern system of professionally oriented education at the initial stage

T.I. Borisenko

UDC 37.9-042.4:811


T.I. Borisenko is Cand.Sci. (Philology), Ass. Prof. at Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:


Researched are the old problems and new challenges in professional language acquisition regarding social sciences in mass communication of the information society. The preparatory stage is designed for an individual entering the chosen social activity. Systematic bilingual strategies in reading and speaking ensure sustainable progress for personal and social wellbeing. The methodology of teaching is based on the underlying correlation between subject language philosophy and rhetoric. These methods intend to allow a student to adapt to higher education system to continue to learn the content of a basic education science in a native language at the same time to receive foreign language instructions. A bilingual education approach is certainly temporal. Anyway the climax point of language teaching is envisaged to create cross contextual skills to meet qualification requirements to stay afloat in profession via education.

Key words: individual and social development, language skills, dialectical unity of word, human psychology, will and self-consciousness, inner speech, speech didactic, philosophy generalizations, subject matter, information society.



1. Rozhdestvensky, V.Yu. Philosophy of language and learning subject. Moscow, 2017.

2. Borisenko, T.I. Some methodological aspects of intensive training in English language at the initial stage. Vestnik of Moscow university. 2000. No. 4. P. 7–14.

3. Rozhdestvensky, V.Yu. General philology. Moscow, 1996.

4. Borisenko, T.I. On pragma-linguistic and moral aspects in training of manager specialist at higher school in the context of training in English language. Vestnik of Moscow university. 2008. No. 4. P. 51–58.