Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Educational trends and technologies 4.0. Digitalization of education: persondeveloped concept

D.V. Lukashenko

UDC 37-042.4:004        


D.V. Lukashenko is Dr.Sci. (Psychology), Head scientific researcher at Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia e-mail:   



Presented are stages of transformation of the education system, based on the criterion of technological representation and knowledge acquisition. Features of transformation of the education system in accordance with change in technology in education through acquisition of knowledge by subjects on the basis of technologies implemented in education are examined. Four stages are distinguished, and the last one related to integration of artificial intelligence in the educational environment in direction of development of Education 4.0 is considered in more detail. The concept of person-develop of personality in digital environment, based on cognitive processing of information by a person is presented. Feature of the person-develop concept allows to replace progressive receipt of information by a person in development of person in direction of relevance and individuality of receiving information, forming an attractor of development. Necessity of using the concept of an attractor instead of a trajectory, that allows one to consider multi-dimensionality and variability of personality development in digital environment, is substantiated. The basis for implementation of the concept of person-develop is the concept of content, sliding across the information space. This concept considers development of personality in digital environment through formation of trans-disciplinarity of consumed content. Content-slide is presented as an attractor of personality development, associated with deviations, that occur during the analysis and assimilation of content. Due to the content slide, personality sets an individual direction of his development in information developing space. The article considers the direction of integration into information developing space of artificial intelligence, that will transform the content, consumed by the individual into image models, corresponding to the cognitive orientation of personality for its productive analysis and assimilation.

Key words: promising education system, digital education, artificial intelligence in education, information developing environment, digital space, person-develop concept, content glide, personality in digital environment, personality digitalization, Education 4.0.


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