Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On using an iterative learning approach

V.Ya. Gelman

UDC 37.09

V.Ya.Gelman is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof. at North-West State Medical University .a. I.I. Mechnikov e-mail:


Investigated are possibilities and features of using the iterative approach, when teaching at university. The article reviews and analyzes data of scientific publications and generalized practical experience. It is shown, that the iterative approach naturally follows from modern teaching concept: “self-study — solution — check — correction”. The importance of closing feedback loop and multiple attempts to obtain correct solution in an iterative approach is noted. Considered is change in the role of teacher in the context of the iterative approach; features of self-study by students of educational material, organization of checking correctness of the task, problems of creating necessary motivation for learning and possibility of transition to distance learning. It is shown, that the iterative approach contributes to individualization of teaching, improving degree of understanding of educational material and development of students’ thinking. In addition, the iterative approach facilitates formation of skills and abilities to rationally organize educational activities and self-master knowledge. The conclusion is made about effectiveness of using the iterative approach in university educational process.

Key words: iterative approach, teaching, student, teacher, higher education.


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