Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On influence of structural transformations of the sphere of higher education on conjugation of higher education and the sphere of labor

Vasiliy S. Senashenko, Е.П. Стручкова

УДК 378-042.3:331


V.S. Senashenko is Dr.Sci. (Physic-Mathematic), Prof. at International Academy of Sciences of Higher School e-mail:; and E.P.Struchkova is PhD Student at PeoplesFriendship University of Russia e-mail:


Discussed is influence of structural transformations of higher education on conjugation of the sphere of education and the sphere of labor. Analyzed are various methods of bringing the structure and content of vocational training of higher education graduates in line with requirements of real economy of the country. Also mechanisms of harmonization of higher education and staffing requirements of the world of work are investigated.

Key words: higher education, educational process, educational models, educational standards, educational programs, conjugation mechanisms, knowledge, skills, competencies, qualifications, profession, sphere of work, real economy, professional standards, generalized labor functions, labor functions.



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