Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Evaluation of formation of ecological consciousness in girls teenagers in the process of teaching

I.B. Kostina

UDC (373:37.09-053)::502/504   


I.B. Kostina is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. prof. at Belgorod State National Research University (NIU BelGU) e-mail:


Analyzed are results of empirical study within the framework of stating experiment, the purpose of which was to assess the level of environmental awareness of teenagers girls of secondary school level. Analysis of results was carried out according to intensity levels of subjective attitude, such as perceptive-affective, cognitive and behavioral. For diagnosis of each component, the “Naturafil” methodology was used, which helped to identify the level-wise nature of development of environmental consciousness. Assessment of the level of environmental awareness of adolescent girls took place in several stages. Correlation of results of methodology used allowed to distinguish in each of groups studying in classes with general education and science profiles three main subgroups of teenagers girls with different levels of development of environmental consciousness components, i.e. assessment of the level of development of environmental consciousness of schoolgirls, was carried out on the basis of mathematical statistics methods, included in the data analysis package of the MS Excel software application. The results showed, that environmental consciousness, transforming into environmental knowledge and actions, has been forming since childhood and has been going on for the whole subsequent period, where secondary school link plays an important role in formation of ecological and moral personality.

Key words: ecology, environmental awareness, ecological worldview, environmental education.



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