Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Higher education to the year of 2035 (Forecast)

Yu.V. Karyakin , V.G. Kretz , M.S. Polonskaya

UDC 001.18:378      


Yu.V. Karyakin is Cand.Sci. (Technique), Leading expert e-mail:; V.G. Kretz is Cand.Sci. (Technique), Ass. prof. e-mail:; and M.S. Polonskaya is Senior lecturer e-mail: at Tomsk Polytechnic University


Presented is researcher’s view on development of education at the meeting point of the millennium from position of ontogenetic thinking. Image of modern leading university in the digital era is given. Theory is based on results of the study of cognition by fundamental sciences and innovative ontogenetic conception of Education. The basic components of this image are the target setting of educational activity, its estimated result, method of interaction between subjects of education, platforms of communication, the way of the world order reflection, time characteristics of educational process and some emotional environment of educational interactions. Socio-psychological and philosophical features of society of the near Future are represented by a list of its characteristics. Thus structure of labor division, reflecting dominance of creative activity by means of a new worldview, that are formed on principles of unity, integrity and infinity of society development and planet as a part of the world, generated them, new social relations, based on a deep understanding of life as a natural spiritual and natural process.

Key words: society and education of the DIgital age, nonlinearity, Crisis, ontogenetic thinking, University of the near Future.



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