Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The concept of social transcending in the context of the theory of autopoiesis

Zh.V. Latysheva

UDC 14                           



Zh.V. Latysheva is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), doc., head of sub-faculty at Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs e-mail:


Presented is definition of specificity and sphere of applicability of the concept of social transcending in social sciences, studying of which carries out in the conceptual field of the theory of autopoiesis. The current state of development of the autopoietic theory in native and foreign literature is analyzed, such as problem of the lack of formation of a stable practice of studying autopoiesis of person in its entirety, concentration of researchers on individual autopoietic processes of person, culture and society as counterbalance to their integrative understanding is revealed, which leads to one-sidedness and dichotomy of results of such contemplation. To overcome this problem, the author comes up out with proposal to comprehend the human autopoiesis of the whole human being, i.e. in the entirety of his physical, spiritual, social and creative manifestations by demonstrating, that social transcending is its core. Two modern points of view, which explicate autopoiesis of human beings, are highlighted and critically analyzed, i.e. embodied cognitive science, disclosed by E.N. Knyazeva, and anthropological poetics by S.A. Smirnova. Both researchers show, that specific peculiarity of human autopoiesis is social transcending. However, in Knyazeva’s approach, self-creation is embodied through transcending as social “self-building” of person, whereas, according to Smirnov’s anthropopoetics, transcending of self-creation is aimed at transforming personality and society, presenting in entirety its existential and social anthropological practices. Conclusion is made, that despite differences in understanding of autopoiesis considered approaches are stages of successive deepening in understanding of person’s self-creation and reveal one of its basic mechanisms, i.e. social transcending, directing to higher meanings (senses) and values of social and personal infinite being, leading to transformation of these types of being.

Key words: social philosophy, education, social transcending, autopoiesis, systematic approach, holistic approach, personal being, social being, self-building, transformation.


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