Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Improving the level of knowledge of students of non-language University in teaching English language through inter-subject relations

E.I. Nikolaev

UDC [378+37.09]::51


E.I. Nikolaev is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Yakut State Agricultural Academy e-mail:


Discussed is the problem of increasing the level of knowledge of students of a non-linguistic university in teaching English through interdisciplinary connections. Students of non-linguistic University are not very interested in learning English, for them the main thing is disciplines of their specialty. Language is non-subject, i.e. we can use language everywhere and in all disciplines, held in non-language University. English is studied as a means of communication, and topics and situations for speech are introduced from the outside. Therefore, it like no other discipline is open for use in various fields of knowledge, its contents are taken from other disciplines. It seems to us, that if you use materials from main disciplines for practical classes in English, then students may be interested in learning English. But despite this, issues of interdisciplinary connections are not sufficiently developed in methodology of teaching this discipline and these connections are almost not implemented in practice of teaching at non-linguistic University. Meanwhile, importance of interdisciplinary relations is increasing, i.e. with modern trends towards the synthesis and integration of knowledge, this is one of ways to integrate higher education, that is objective basis for updating and improving its content in principle, as well as a means of increasing the level of knowledge and general educational and cultural potential of university.

Key words: interdisciplinary connections, motivation, knowledge levels, profiling subject, specialist, educational activity.



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