Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


The role of student scientific circle in the structure of Higher medical education

Ю.Н. Федулаев, Н.В. Орлова, Д.Д. Каминер, А.Ю. Чупракова, Д.В. Савина, В.В. Ломайчиков, Т.В. Пинчук

UDC [378+001.89]::61 


Yu.N. Fedulaev is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), head of sub-faculty e-mail:; N.V. Orlova is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), prof. e-mail:; D.D. Kaminer is assistant of sub-faculty e-mail:; А.Yu. Сhuprakova is resident of sub-faculty e-mail:; D.V. Savina is head of the circle of sub-faculty e-mail:; V.V. Lomaychikov is assistant of sub-faculty e-mail: and T.V. Pinchuk is doc. e-mail:

 at N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)


Investigated is the theme of modern training in medical higher education that requires from student to master a large block of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Improving quality of education depends largely on motivation of student and use of innovative forms of education. Student scientific circles allow to increase not only quality of professional knowledge, but also to determine choice of further specialization for students, contribute to development of research skills, increase activity of students, sense of responsibility, give experience in organizational and publication activities. Participants of scientific student circles can choose profession of scientist or teacher in the future that helps to maintain staff of higher educational institutions. The authors carried out a survey questioning students of 3–6th years of pediatric faculty of N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University for the purpose of studying of priorities of participants of scientific student’s circle. A total of 129 students took part the research. Analysis of results of the survey of members of student scientific circle of faculty therapy shows, that main motivation of their members is acquisition of practical skills, deepening of theoretical knowledge and participation in research work. Students noted positive value of participation in competitions and conferences that required them to further in-depth knowledge, ability to work in team, increased sense of responsibility. At the same time, among reasons for visiting scientific student circle, obtaining additional points for admission to residency, as well as potential impact on results of exam, for members of student circles are of secondary importance. Student scientific circles contribute to formation of future doctors need to systematically improve their professional level, in accordance with modern medical achievements. Student scientific circles complement and improve training in higher education.

Key words: student scientific circle, Olympiads, higher education, medicine, doctor, skills, specialization.



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