Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Value orientations and self-actualization of youth in inter-cultural interaction: Crimean context

I.N. Litvinchuk

UDC 304+(316.3-054)


I.N. Litvinchuk is Cand. Sci. (Philology), doc. at V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University e-mail:  


Presented are principal results of experimental pilot investigation of the nature of value orientations in relation to various factors of self-actualization of Crimean student youth in cross-cultural interaction. A questionnaire «Self-actualization of personality in cultural interaction» had approved as author’s method. The interdisciplinary theoretical and practical grounds for creation of this methodology and peculiarities of its application are discussed in the article. Questionnaire features various factors of personality self-actualization of which the following ones are the subject of discussion in the article: “Existential orientation towards the present or the past/future”, “Purposes and means of activity”, “Solidarity with society in whole or with particular group”, “Degree of autonomy/conformism towards cultural-ethnic group influence”, “Predominant focus on positive/negative experience”, “Detachment / involvement to the process of cross-cultural interactions”. Qualitative differences in value orientations of young representatives of main ethno-cultural groups of Crimea, i.e. Russians and Crimean Tatars towards the process of self-actualization in cultural interaction are defined. Differences in strategies of socio-cultural environment mediation have been defined. Identification of similarity/distinction traits in the ways of self-identification of personality most widespread in various subjects of socio-cultural interaction generates prerequisites to predict pragmatics of various socio-cultural stimuls influence onto the nature of civilizational processes in multiethnic regions.

Key words: values, self-actualization, ethnocultural groups, standardized survey, sociology of communication.



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