Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On readiness of university graduates for independent life and professional activity

T.A. Pereskokova, V.P. Solovyov

УДК 378+005.33            


T.A. Pereskokova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Institute — branch of RGGRU (MGRI) in Stary Oskol; and V.P. Soloviev is Cand.Sci. (Technic), prof. at NUST MISiS e-mail:


Considered is social and personal training of graduates of professional educational organizations that determines productivity of their professional activities. Results of self-assessment of personal qualities by Russian students and students of preparatory department from Egypt are presented. It is shown, that young people are characterized by underestimation of positive personality traits and overestimation of negative traits. This means, that most students will face difficulties in independent life and professional activity after graduation. It is proposed to restore the discipline “Psychology and pedagogy” in the curricula of higher education institutions, in the study of which students will master the principles of self-knowledge, learn to understand their individual character traits.

Key words: social and personal qualities, self-esteem, professional activity, anxiety, strong-willed qualities, responsibility, educational environment.



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