Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Influence of reference personality, social capital of family group on formation of educational and professional strategy of children

S.L. Talanov

UDC 316.4/.6:37.06   


S.L. Talanov is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University e-mail:


Analyzed are influence of reference personality (reference group), social capital of the family and family group on the choice of younger generation of direction of study at university and future employment. Factors, affecting formation of educational and professional strategy of students are identified. It has been established, that the higher at least one of parents has been promoted in his social organization, the higher is the chance, that his children will come to same organization and build their career in it. If both parents have built successful career in particular social organization, then likelihood that their children will work in it and build a career is 50%. If someone from family group has achieved success in career in certain social organization, then the chance, that he will help members of family group to build career, get an education, etc. is very high. The main motivation in helping to build career for members of family group is to create capital, fields, for subsequent reproduction of “success” of family members. It was revealed that, despite the fact that people act, as a rule, not how they want, but based on their abilities (family resources, etc.), values of the reference person or reference group are crucial for life scenario of a particular person. Even if it is impossible to carry out life scenarios like a reference person or a reference group, a person continues to adhere to values of his ideal (reference person).

Key words: habitus, capital, social fields, social mobility, university, qualification gap, reference personality.


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