Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Protection of rights of entrepreneurs in an open economy

L.M. Nizova, O.G. Biryukova

UDC 338:316.33     


L.M. Nizova is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof.; and O.G. Biryukova is master student at Volga State University of Technology e-mail:

Researched is feasibility of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs at the federal and regional levels within the framework of requirements of the Constitution and the Labor code of the Russian Federation. Democratic structure of management structure of commissioners for protection of entrepreneurs’ rights is disclosed and it’s priority in development of small and medium-sized businesses is argued. The author’s monitoring made it possible to identify problems and difficulties using dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities over the past 5 years. Problems in various areas of business activity are systematized and number of scheduled and unscheduled inspections by state bodies is ranked. This directly correlates with targets of national project in the field of development of small and medium-sized enterprises and support of individual entrepreneurial initiative. They include simplifying tax reporting, creating digital platform, modernizing support system for small and medium-sized businesses, and simplifying access to concessional financing. The authors made measures to enhance protection of rights of entrepreneurs on the basis of labor legislation and improve conditions for doing business in accordance with national project of the RF.

Key words: entrepreneurs, protection of rights of entrepreneurs, national project, market economy, commissioner for protection of rights of entrepreneurs, business, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, labor code.


1. Article 34 of Constitution of the Russian Federation. URL:

2. Labor code of the Russian Federation. Chapter 48.1. URL:­34683/93aa6b433e68b323572b2/

3. Order from 22.06.2012 No. 879 “On commissioner by President of the Russian Federation as to defense of rights of business persons”. URL:

4. Federal law from 07.05.2013 No. 78-FZ “On commissioners as to defense of rights of business persons in the Russian Federation”. URL:

5. Federal law “On defense of rights of juridical persons and individual business persons by conducting state control (overview) and municipal control” from 22.12.2008 No. 294-FZ. URL:

6. Law of the Republic of Mari El from 18.10.2013 No. 36-Z “On commissioner as to defense of rights of business persons in the Republic of Mari El”. URL:

7. Report on results as to activity of commissioner as to defense of rights of business persons for the year of 2018. URL:

8. Commissioner will not only defense, but also attack. Boris Titov about new institute and party projects. URL:

9. Republic of Mari El: investment possibilities. URL:

10. Nizova, L.M., Biryukova, O.G. Self-employment as element of business. Kadrovik. 2019. No. 5. P. 72.

11. Order of the President of the Russian Federation from 7th May 2018 No. 204 “On national aims and strategic tasks of development of the Russian Federation for the period up to the year of 2014”. URL: