Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Interaction between family and school as an important aspect in development of gifted children

G.F. Gali, I.Z. Shakhnina, E.N. Zagladina

UDC 37.02           

G.F. Gali is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. e mail:; I.Z. Shakhnina is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. e-mail:; and E.N. Zagladina is senior lecturer e-mail: at Kazan (Volga region) Federal University


Researched is one of important features of effective pedagogical school, i.e. close cooperation of parents and teachers in education of gifted students. Cooperation is joint action and negotiations, aimed at finding solutions, related to development and education of gifted children. Collaboration between schools and parents can be traditional and partnership oriented. What way it will be achieved and implemented depends on legal norms, school environment, professional competence and individual characteristics of teachers, socio-demographic and psychosocial characteristics of parents. The purpose of the study is to determine functions of teacher in collaboration between family and school. Leading approaches to study of this problem are method of historical and logical analysis of regulatory documents of foreign governments and scientific works of leading scientists which dealing with problems of gifted students’ education, as well as the method of analysis, comparison, synthesis and generalization of innovative foreign and domestic pedagogical experience. The work is based on assumption, that parents do not participate in school decisions and that collaboration between family and school is still traditional. The authors focus attention on partnership between parents and school, and this is mainly related to parental meetings and informative conversations. Particular attention is concentrated on the features of working with gifted students’ parents, as well as on the analysis of problems of gifted students’ education in different countries. Studies confirm that the task of parents and teachers, working with gifted students, is to create necessary conditions and environment, in which gifted students could successfully develop and learn to overcome various difficulties. The article can be useful to professors, teachers, students and a wide range of readers, interested in problems of teaching gifted students.

Key words: education, development, gifted children, problems, difficulties, cooperation, parents.



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