Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Development of creative skills in students during the process of education

O.G. Vasyukov


UDC [37.09+159.95]::378 


O.G. Vasyukov is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Samara State Technical University e-mail:


Researched is the problem of production of innovative technological high-tech goods in need of new production means, innovative technologies and, of course, people, who know how to create fundamentally new technical ideas. The article is devoted to teaching invention and innovation skills in schoolchildren and students. The survey of students shows, that only 19.4 per cent of teachers are attentive to non-standard or new ways of solving problems by pupils and students in the course of practical, laboratory, independent work and the use of additional measures to stimulate students to solve problems by innovative methods. The author draws attention to the need of strengthening engineering component in teaching students in technical universities and to importance of including in educational process such discipline, as “Scientific and technical creativity”, in which creative methods and techniques of thinking are set out, tasks are used to train creative thinking, and thus creative thinking skills are formed. Because of variety of educational programs in kindergartens and secondary schools and different degree of perception of educational material, many children do not have an idea about methods of development of creative imagination, culture of creative thinking, problem solving methods of the theory of solving inventive problems. For a very small number of students, such a course could be an interesting repetition of the old with elements of the new. For the majority of students, classes in this course will be exciting, interesting and bring in-demand knowledge, as well as helping in near future in creating patent portfolio and protecting their copyright certificates and patents for invention or discovery.

Key words: invention, innovations, program, modern technologies, patents, copyright certificates.



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  2. Order of the government of the RF, dated 08.12.2011, No. 2227-R “On approval of the strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 years”.
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