Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Philosophy as a way of understanding itself in the concept of Martin Heidegger

N.V. Pashkova, E.F. Kuzemina

UDC 316:351      


N.V. Pashkova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail:; E.F. Kuzemina is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail: at Kuban State Technological University


Researched is the problem of philosophizing as the most important form of human comprehension of himself. Philosophy is seen as the opposite of all “calmness and security”, as existential process, in which the absurd world is filled with meaning. The authors describe the process of philosophizing as a struggle of meanings, which becomes a certain test for person, who finds himself “abandoned” in existence, where human being becomes “being to death” and gives rise to genuine philosophizing. Analysis of philosophizing process reveals a particular mood, here questioning to oneself sends the questioner beyond boundaries of his existence. M. Heidegger accomplished the incredible at the beginning of the 20th century, putting forward his fundamental ontology: he was able to establish the essence of personal Dasein (here-being or there-being), defining it simultaneously as being-in-the-world and being-with-another. Based on his existence, he even discovered, that his essence is his existence, moreover, he identified two basic modalities, i.e. authenticity and non-authenticity, in which this essence is realized. Non-propriety, non-authenticity become the original image of our being. Understanding of existence is possible only through understanding of oneself, which can be realized only in the process of philosophizing. It is a philosophical questioning that will help a person pave the way to himself, to his own “Me”.

Keywords: philosophy, philosophizing, person, being, existence, abandonment, Dasein, authenticity, interrogation.



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5. Mamardashvili, M.K. Experience in physical metaphysics (Vilnius lectures on social philosophy). Moscow, 2009.

6. Dugin, A.G. Martin Heidegger. The last god. Moscow, 2014.

7. Derrida, J. Fields of Philosophy. Moscow, 2012.

8. Kuzemina, E.F., Pashkova, N.V. Nostalgia for man (an anthropological turn in philosophy of M.K. Mamardashvili). Theory and practice of social development. 2011. No. 2. P. 17–21.

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