Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Role of complex support of young scientists and specialists in development of modern university

V.A. Lazarenko, P.V. Tkachenko, V.A. Lipatov, D.A. Severinov

UDC 001.32:378


V.A. Lazarenko is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), prof., rector of university e-mail:; P.V. Tkachenko is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), doc., vice rector e-mail:; V.A. Lipatov is Dr. Sci. (Medicine), prof. e-mail:; and D.A. Severinov is assistant of sub-faculty of children surgery and pediatrics e-mail:

at Kursk State Medical University


Analyzed is the process of realization of planned economic and social transformations in Russia needs well educated, creatively conceiving specialists, who can actively influence the level of production and public development of the state, conditions of activity of his citizens. In this connection on the modern universities responsibility not only for preparation of the qualified personnel, but also development of local and state measures of support and stimulation of activity of such specialists lays down. Aim and objectives consists in analysis of efficiency of measures developed over the last 5 years social, material, professional and so forth types of support of young specialists on the example of Kursk state medical university.Within the real work dynamics of such indicators as was analyzed: printing activity of the faculty, age composition of the faculty of higher education institution before introduction of the operating support measures and so forth. According to obtained data increase in number of the young employees employed in the university twiceand also published works as young colleagues by 1.7 times is noted. The number of dismissed employees at the age of less than 30 years decreases every year. Thus, results of the analysis given in article emphasize efficiency of the chosen course of domestic policy of the university. Provided article belongs to the category a case articles, in it the system of support of young specialists is described and also ways of interaction of administration of the university with a talent pool, principles of selection and forming of the last are in detail described. The present article can be useful to administrative headquarters of higher educational institution in general, to those who stake on development of employees, on their potential, increase in loyalty to the organization, involvements into execution of working roles. The originality and novelty of the real work are connected with development of focused technique for use in organizations of higher professional education.

Keywords: young scientists, support, management, management, university, education, higher school, talent pool.




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