UDC 37: 14
V.N. Gruzkov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute; and I.V. Gruzkov is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. at Stavropol State Agrarian University e-mail: ross-72@mail.ru
Analyzed is the notion of “spiritual” as socio-cultural and anthropological phenomenon, that is the result of evolution, during which through dialectic of interaction of nature, society, person, differentiation of ties and multi-level relations were being created and expanded fundamental universal prerequisites for it’s emergence and development. The article highlights and examines it’s components, specifics and contradictions of their functioning and implementation in modern theory and practice of educational activities. Offered are the author’s conclusions, content of which is aimed at improving quality of education of the individual in this process.
Key words: dialectics, philosophical anthropology, person, whole and integrity, consciousness, ideal, biological, social, spiritual, values.
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