Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Ways of organization of professional pedagogical activity of teacher in music

K.I. Kismetov


K.L. Kismetov is senior lecturer at West Kazakhstan State University n.a. Makhambet Utemisov



Presented is examination of the problem of teaching music is complex and creative process of education. For quality education, one must possess many professional and pedagogical qualities, therefore, the article is aimed at studying ways of organizing of educational process for music teachers. The leading method, which is the basis for solving the problem, is the analysis of research topic for studying all parts of the question. Systematic approach to problematic allows to sum up evaluate ways of organizing professional qualities of music teacher. As a result of the study, we might make conclusion, that music teacher should be expert not only in one field, but also presents himself as theorist, musician, and also possess information in history of music. Our research work is necessary for qualitative and argument reasoned approach to the process of training of music teachers.

Key words: musical instrument, professional pedagogical orientation, music teacher, skills, lesson organization.



1.: Musical review. , 2000.

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