Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Analysis of the problem of ideal personality of academic orator

A.M. Petrunin


A.M. Petrunin is Cand. of Philosophy, prof. at Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky Military Academy of Army Air Defense of AF of the RF



Presented is analysis of the problem of ideal personality of academic orator. The named problem because of it’s actuality was always in the center of attention of academic science and scientists of higher school. Not lesser actuality it also has under modern conditions. Ideal of academic orator consists of variety of components, i.e. unity of knowledge and experience in acquiring universe rhythms, unity of knowledge and experience of living in harmony with the nature, unity of knowledge and experience of living in solidarity with people, unity of knowledge and experience of dialogue with opponent, unity of knowledge and experience of keeping within limits in everything. Also ideal of personality of academic orator is connected with wisdom. The author of the article in detailed analysis presents signs of basic psychological and pedagogical peculiarities, manifesting themselves in behavioral skills of orator with wisdom.

Key words: pedagogue, orator, wiseman, ideal, system knowledge of wisdom, harmonizing dialogue, measure, truth, beauty, happiness, freedom.



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