Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Model of pedagogue in the context of modern conception about professional development of specialist

O.A. Lapina, N.N. Pyadushkina
80,00 ₽


O.A. Lapina is doct. of science (Pedagogy), prof.


N.N. Pyadushkina is cand. of science (Pedagogy), doc.


Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University 

Presented is analysis of modern interpretation of the meaning of conceptions of «professional individuality», «individual style», «iconative style» in model of specialist pedagogue. Examined are problems in development of pedagogical profession under conditions of transition to new standards of higher education. Also examined is the meaning of professional education as “person generatrix” function in self-development of a person. The authors pay attention to the fact that training of such a specialist proposes to change the vector of professional education in direction towards formation of a person with high level of ethic pedagogical culture. Characterized is typical professional style as stable, internally organized and ethically determined model of professional activity. Also presented is analysis of scientific literature as to the problem of individual professional style of a specialist. Conclusion is made, that formulated by the authors approach to training of pedagogue allows to solve many of problems, connecting with bettering of quality of education.

Key words: professional development, individual style of pedagogue, iconative style in model of modern pedagogue. 


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