A.A. Verbitskiy,
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Head of Social and Pedagogical Psychology Department, Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities.
E-mail: abcd75@mail.ru
M.D. Iliyazova,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science,Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Astrakhan State Technical University. E-mail: iliazovamd@list.ru
Senior Teacher, Department of Foreign Languages in Technical Education, Astrakhan State Technical University
E-mail: irgalusha777@mail.ru
The article presents results of elaboration of structure of foreign communicative competence of a graduate of technical university, basis of which is the invariant as the system of stable functional links among structural components (axiological- and sense bearing, motivational, instrumental, individual- and psychological, conative), possessed of complex of main characteristics of it’s concrete realizations in sub-competences, i.e. language, speech, and sociocultural.
Key words: foreign communicative competence, invariant structure, sub-competence.