UDC 316
T.I. Grabelnykh is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Prof. of sub-faculty of Social Philosophy and Sociology, Head of the Sociological Laboratory of Regional Problems and Innovations e-mail: tagr@bk.ru; N.A. Sablina is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty of Social Work, Senior Researcher at Sociological Laboratory of Regional Problems and Innovations e-mail: nsablina@bk.ru; and A.N. Parkhomenko is PhD student at sub-faculty of Social Philosophy and Sociology e-mail: sawnast@yandex.ru. All at Irkutsk State University
Researched are systemic aspects of the process of implementing national projects in Russia. Attention is focused on effectiveness of solving key problems of development of the public administration system in the context of the relationship between the state and society under modern conditions. The institution of public control in Russia is characterized through prerequisites of formation, organizational and legal status and main functions. The work defines the place and role of the institution of public opinion in the system of public administration and public control, substantiates its regulatory mechanisms, factors and agents of influence. In the aspect of systemic relationship between public administration and public control, the specificity of implementation of national projects in the transforming Russian society is revealed. A sociological vision of the “reset” of conceptual foundations of interrelationships between the public administration system and the institution of public control both at the stage of “entering” the space of national projects and in the process of their implementation is presented. It has been proved, that at the present stage the main integrating factor is consolidation of society through an updated "state-society contract". The analysis of historical and modern practices of public participation made it possible to draw a conclusion about the increase in the function of “co-management” of public control bodies in the interaction of state and public structures.
Key words: social system, public administration system, institute of civilian control, national projects, public opinion, social and state agreement, transforming Russian society.
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