UDC 378:159.95::354
A.S. Petrakova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), senior lecturer at Novorossiysk branch of Krasnodar University of Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail: anvsch@mail.ru
Presented is the analysis of the role of teacher as the main participant in educational process, ensuring the unity of training and education. The teacher fulfills social order, forming professional and moral qualities of future specialist in accordance with requirements of FGOS, that are contained, first of all, in general cultural competencies. At the same time, education itself should take into account the current state of society’s culture, incl. generally accepted worldviews, value guidelines, and moral meanings. Considering the age of students of university, it should be noted, that the teacher here is more likely to form not personality, but motivation for self-development. For successful implementation of urgent tasks of pedagogical activity, the teacher himself must be a person of high moral standards, competent and focused on the end result. In order to identify the basic requirements for personality of teacher, who is capable of forming necessary professional and moral qualities of students in university, sociological study was conducted on the basis of Novorossiysk branch of Krasnodar university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It showed that personality of the teacher is extremely important for development of professional and moral side of personality of cadet or student. At the same time, teachers of departmental university lack pedagogical optimism, philanthropy, flexibility and democracy. Students want teachers to see personalities in them, respect their personal autonomy, and use active and interactive forms in learning, allowing students to open up and be creative in their learning and upbringing processes.
Keywords: teacher, training, upbringing, professional and moral qualities, sociological research, social order, culture.
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