A.V. Kupavtsev is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Presented is the author’s conception of modern educational paradigm in the system of higher professional education. In particular, examined is matrix model of humanitarian activity of educational paradigm of 21st century. Presented by the author, conception of modern educational paradigm is being aimed at modernization of educational strategy on breeding capable of living in all spheres of social being modern personality. The author emphasizes, that in consciousness and self-consciousness of his needs and his activity and abilities, taking special place in educational activity, there manifests itself the process of formation of high educational and vital potentials of personality, alongside with innovative creativity of younger generations as to solving of national economic and social tasks of the country.
Key words: FTsP of development of education, structures of being, educational paradigm, activity approach, consciousness and self-consciousness of personality, educational potential, innovative creativity.
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