Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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A.M. Panov. Professional education of participants in labor market of Vologda region: structural analysis. P.33-38

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A.M. Panov is researcher engineer at

 Institute for Socio-economic Development of  Territories of RAN


Reviewed is structure of the labor market of Vologda region as to educational level of it’s participants. Methodology of research includes analysis of economically active population as indicator of aggregate supply of labor force with elaborating of it’s basic structural components, i.e. employed and unemployed population. Revealed are major problems of labor market in Vologda region, i.e. lag of the region as to level of education, high out-of-qualification employment, law level of protection from unemployment. Shown is, that growth of popularity of higher education decreases it’s value, though higher education still provides maximum protection from unemployment. Emphasized are basic problems, connected with influence of education on participants in regional labor market. Determined is that intensifying of competition as to the level of education means that employers benefit more than employees, because it has mass character.

Key words: education, region, labor market, labor force, employment, unemployment. 


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