Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


L.I. Lurie. Teaching means self-position in the world. Part 1. Pedagogy under the stress of stereotypes. P.39-46

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L.I. Lurie is doct in Pedagogy, prof, principal of MBGEI

“Lyceum No. 1” of the city of Perm


Defined are problems of the crisis phenomenon in development of pedagogical science. Examined is influence of stereotypes on pedagogical thinking, where meaningful present appears as embodied reality of the past that comes to life as the result of continuity of spiritual quests of different generations. Noted is that teaching should be observed as picture of the world, in which the past is represented as didactic “filter” of understanding of ideas of bygone times. Ability to distinguish and observe spiritual values in the world determines the nature of cognition of real world. It is pedagogy that comes out as a revelation, as intent of a look at complex challenges of humanity. Made is the author’s conclusion, that there is need for qualitative new model of pedagogy, to which trust and respect would unite strengths of society for achieving high quality of education.

Key words: pedagogy, education, paradigm, cultural orientation of education, spirituality. 


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