K.D. Dobaev is Dr. Sci. (Education), prof. at Kyrgyz Academy of Education
E-mail: kdobaev@yandex.ru
A.K. Chaldanbaeva is cand. of Biology, doc. at I .Arabaev’s Kyrgyz State University
E-mail: ai_kush@mail.ru
Presented is analysis of current state of the system of pedagogical education in Kyrgyz Republic. Disclosed and researched are actual problems of higher professional education in that country. On the base of analysis of disclosed problems a prognosis is made as to possible ways of modernizing development of educational space of Kyrgyz Republic. The authors’ conclusion is made, that nowadays for all participant of the named process are in need of discussing seriously both correctives and changes as to content of pedagogical education per se. Particularly, discussion ought to concentrate itself on elaborating of new qualitative requirements, which might be helpful to providing development of new formation pedagogue with necessary personal competences. Also determined are strategic tasks of pedagogical education, solving of which, in the authors’ opinion, gives an opportunity of solving the problem of training of new formation pedagogue.
Key words: pedagogical education, reforming of education, professional training of teachers, higher education, higher educational institutions
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