Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Notion and models of combined training of students of technical profile when learning foreign language

V.N. Kurovsky, N.V. Demyanenko, Ya.V. Ermakova
80,00 ₽


V.N. Kurovsky is doct. in Pedagogy, prof. at Institute of Development of Educational Systems of RAO E-mail:

N.V. Demyanenko E-mail: and Ya.V. Ermakova  E-mail:

are both senior lecturers at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University 

     Performed is comparison of traditional and combined education at high school. Examined are both advantages and disadvantages of traditional form of learning. Identified are opinions of Russian and foreign authors as to definition of the notion of “combined education”. Shown are drawbacks of traditional class-room based system of training. Conclusion is made, that the named drawbacks could be eliminated when using technology of combined education. On the basis of analysis of pedagogical literature, examined are both the notion and models of combined education. During the authors’ research, experiment with students of technical profile by training in foreign language was conducted. Results of the named experiment revealed are advantages of combined education, demonstrating it’s effectiveness. In future, it is planned to introduce also other models of combined education in order to optimize and raise of effectiveness o the process of training in foreign language of students of engineering profile.

          Key words: traditional education, combined education, models of combined education. 


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