Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Folk decorative applied arts in the system of artistic education of Russia

L.V. Shokorova
80,00 ₽

L.V. Shokorova is cand. of Arc criticism, doc. at Altai State University



Examined is the problem of many-leveled educational training in traditional national arts and decorative art crafts. Made known are contradictions that turned out between traditional forms and methods of training and modern needs of art education. Conclusion is made, that traditional decorative applied art displays itself not only as fundamental national value, being in need of preservation and resurgence, but also of professional training of qualified competitive specialists, possessing traditions of folk art, as well as means of their transmission. The author formulates concrete conditions of preserving continuity in the process of education on all levels of educational institutions, realizing the direction of “Decorative applied art and folk handicrafts”. Also described are methods and forms of training in mastering of folk decorative applied art.

Key words: folk decorative applied art, continuity, professional education, apprenticeship, methods and forms of education.



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2. Vakulenko, E.G. Folk decorative applied art: theory, history, practice. — Rostov / D., 2007.

3. Maksimovich, V.F. Traditional decorative applied art and education. Historical aspect, current state and ways of updating. — M., 2000.

4. Nemensky, B.M. Pedagogics of art. See, know, create // Arts. — 2012. — No. 4 (4). — P. 5.

5. Nekrasova, M.A. Modern folk art. — L., 1980.

6. Orlov, A.N. Humanization of professional interaction of specialists of pre-school educational institution // Innovations of modern educational process. — Barnaul, 2006. — P. 25–28.