Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Government order for the university services: efficiency criteria

M.L. Levitsky
80,00 ₽

Doctor of Pedagogics
The Full Member of Russian Academy of Education
The Moscow City Teachers’ Training University

The article analyses a problem of shaping a government order for an institution of a high professional education (university) under the transition to the result-oriented budgeting (ROB). It considers the borders for applying quantitative and qualitative criteria that allows possibility to forecast the macroeconomics’ changes depending on the budget expenditure dynamics. The article makes a retrospective analysis of the human capital concept: from an individual cost-result ratio to shaping a human capital index within the national resources of the country. It provides indicators for the national resources’ structure of the Russian Federation, USA and BRIC countries. It also makes conclusions regarding the options for the improvement of the quality of the human capital development in the Russian Federation.

Key words: the system of the high professional (university) education; result-oriented budgeting (ROB); government (municipal) order; economic efficiency of the education; labor reduction; human capital theory; human capital investments; broad interpretation of the country national resources’ concept.


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