Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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S.L. Novolodskaya. Role of “Foreign Language” as an educational subject in formation of manager’s polycultural personality in service and tourism

80,00 ₽


Candidate of pedagogical sciences,
Associate Professor, Chief of the   humanitarian studies chair,
Zabaikalian Institute of entrepreneurship of Siberian University of consumer’s cooperation,
Russia, Chita
The article is devoted to potential abilities and role of “Foreign Language” as an educational subject in formation of polycultural personality of a specialist in whole and in special of the future of the manager in service and tourism. Foreign language takes an important place in training of high quality and competence of specialists for effective interaction in condition of polycultural in Russia and in the world associations.
Key words: foreign language, polycultural education, formation of polycultural personal
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