Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent
Head of Sport Disciplines Department, Docent of English Philology Department
Vladimir Adolf
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor
Head of Pedagogy Department
Valentina Ignatova
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor
Head of Pedagogy and Psychology Department
The meaning of antinomy is defined. Basic principles of antinomy are characterized. Also conceptual ideas in forming of student’s organizationally-pedagogical culture in teachers’ training institution are examined.
Key words: concept, antinomy, principle of antinomy, approaches to forming, student’s organizationally-pedagogical culture, сonceptual ideas, structural principle.
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2. Bezdukhov V. Antinomy of adopt and humanity functions of pedagogical activity // Pedagogy. 2002, №9. P.66-71.
3. Vishnyakova S. Professional Education: Dictionary. Key words, meanings, actual lexic. М.: NМC, 1999. 538 p.
4. Gadzhiev K. Preface to political science. 2nd edition, remade, filled. М.: Logos, 1999. 544p.
5. Gruzberg L. Antinomy // Philologist. Perm: Literature, 2003. №2. P.33-34.
6. Zagvyazinsky V., Atakhanov R. Methodology and Methods of Philosophy-pedagogical research. М.: ACADEMIA, 2001. 202 p.
7. Kustov L. Problem of system genesis of research activity of engeneer-pedagogist: Monography. Chelyabinsk: CHIRPO, 1998. 276 p.
8. Monakhov V. From traditional Methodic to new Technology of learning. М.: Budrus, 1993. 143p.
9. New Illustrated Ensyclopedical Dictionary. М.: Big Russian Encyclopedia, 2000. 906 p.
10. Rapatsevich E. Modern Dictionary on pedagogic. Minsk: Modern Word, 2001. 920 p.
11. Soviet Ensyclopedical Dictionary. М.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1986. 1599 p.
12. Yakovlev E., Yakovleva N. Pedagogical Conception: Methodological Aspects of construction. М.: VLADOS, 2006. 239 p.