Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Categorial polysemy of terms as linguistic instrument for systematization and structuring of the World of science

V.A. Tatarinov
80,00 ₽


Tatarinov Viktor A., 
Dr. Sc., Ass.Prof., President of Russian Terminology Society (RossTerm)
Presented is the author’s opinion on polysemy of terms as linguistic instrument for mental cognition of categorical structure of scientific picture of the World. Attention is paid to difficulties, arising in students during their training in poly-semantic and categorical reflection as indispensable creative element of a modern innovative-thinking personality.
Key words: terminology science, term, categorical polysemy, categorical character of thinking, reflection, innovative-thinking personality
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6. Tatarinov, V.A. History of Russian Terminology Science. — M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1994. — 407 p.
7. Tatarinov, V.A. Theory of the Terminology Science. — V. 1. The Theory of the Term. — M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. — 312 p.
8. Tatarinov, V.A. General Terminology Science: Encyclopaedic Dictionary. — M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2006. — 527 p.
9. Tatarinov, V.A. Russian School of Terminology Science: from Standardization to Ambysemous Paradigm // Slavonic Terminology Science. — 2009. —№ 1. — P. 9–12.
10. Tatarinov, V.A. Tutorial German C: Bases of Scientific Translation. — 3rd Ed. — M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2010. — 400 p.
11. Tatarinov, V.A. On Methodological Signifacance of Terminology Science in LSP-Teaching // Higher Education Today. — 2013. — № 3. — P. 52—56.