I.V. Kotlyarov
Doctor of Sociology , pprofessor
Head of Institute of Sociology
The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
E-mail: kotlarov@socio.bas-net.by
S.V. Kostyukevich.
PhD in Sociology ,
Senior Researcher Institute of Sociology
The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
E-mail: svkostus@yahoo.com
Discussed is development process of professionalization of classical education, begun in the Soviet Union and continued in the post-Soviet period. The authors show logical connection of that process with utilitarian model of education, as well as analyze some impacts of complete professionalization of higher education on scientific education, technological competitiveness leadership.
Key words: liberal and utilitarian models of education, classical university, model of classical education, professionalization, university science.
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