Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Problem of managing the complexity in modern system of education

E.A. Solodova, A.A. Fasolya, P.P. Efimov
80,00 ₽


E.A. Solodova,

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, the candidate of technical sciences,

The professor of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics,

The honored worker of higher education.

Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)


A.A. Fasolya,

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, the candidate of technical sciences,

The head of chair Military acmeology and cyberneticsб

The corresponding member of Academy pedagogical and social sciences.

Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)


P.P. Efimov,

The candidate of pedagogical sciences,

The person working for doctor's degree of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics,

The corresponding member of Academy pedagogical and social sciences.

Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)



Analyzed is the problem of raising complexity of the system of education. For solving this problem proposed are innovative forms of management, i.e. situation and prognosis center for managing the system of education. Elaborated are basic functions and principles of functioning of the named center.

Key words: monitoring, forcasting, complexity, system of education.



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