E.A. Solodova,
The doctor of pedagogical sciences, the candidate of technical sciences,
The professor of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics,
The honored worker of higher education.
Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)
E-mail: esolodova@rambler.ru
A.A. Fasolya,
The doctor of pedagogical sciences, the candidate of technical sciences,
The head of chair Military acmeology and cyberneticsб
The corresponding member of Academy pedagogical and social sciences.
Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)
E-mail: fasolix@mail.ru
P.P. Efimov,
The candidate of pedagogical sciences,
The person working for doctor's degree of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics,
The corresponding member of Academy pedagogical and social sciences.
Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)
E-mail: akmeolog@bk.ru
Key words: monitoring, forcasting, complexity, system of education.
1. Lepsky, V.E. Innovations to improve democracy in Russia as a driver of social and cultural development. — Novosibirsk, “Trends” Publ., 2013. — 372 p.
2. Nazaretyan, A.P. Civilization crises in the context of Universal history (Synergetics — psychology — prediction). — M.: Mir Publ., 2004. — 367 p.
3. Solodova, E.A. New models in the system of education: a synergetic approach. — M.: “LIBROKOM” Publ. house, 2012. — 344 p.
4. Profession “tutor”. — Tver: SFK-office, 2012. — 246 p.
5. Solodova, E.A., Fasolya, A.A. Mechanisms and conditions of innovative quality management in education // Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). — 2010. — No. 7. — P. 109—113.
6. Mogilevsky, V.D. Methodology of systems (verbal approach).— M.: Economika Publ., 1999. — 252 p.