Gennady G. Egorov, PhD in Law, Docent, Research Fellow at the Volga Branch of the Volgograd State University, Volzhsky, Volgograd Oblast,, ScopusAuthorID: 57208147511, ResearcherID: H-3519-2017, GoogleScholarID: hOml0CsAAAAJ, SPIN-code: 6194-7154, email:
This article presents an in-depth analysis of the process of creating a virtual educational environment (VEE) that actively uses an innovative tool — a programmable simulator of computer attacks. This tool plays a key role in the training of information security specialists. The simulator allows you to create realistic scenarios of various types of cyberattacks that future specialists may encounter in their professional activities. Thanks to this, students get a unique opportunity to hone their skills in the field of information system protection in conditions as close to real as possible. The features of building such an educational environment, as well as the advantages of using the simulator in the educational process, are considered in detail. VEE in the field of information security is an innovative platform that radically changes traditional approaches to learning. Thanks to the interactive format, students have the opportunity to actively participate in the learning process, independently going through non-linear learning scenarios. This not only increases motivation, but also contributes to a deeper assimilation of the material. In addition, the active involvement of the teacher in the educational process allows for an individual approach to each student and a prompt response to emerging issues. The widespread use of information technology makes learning more dynamic and visual. A special place in this environment is occupied by digital simulators, which allow modeling real cyber attacks and assessing the stability of computer networks. Thanks to this, students acquire practical skills in detecting and eliminating vulnerabilities, which is extremely important for training highly qualified specialists in the field of information security. To create and develop such educational environments, it is advisable to attract leading software manufacturers as strategic partners. Such cooperation will provide access to the most modern technologies and developments, as well as create a single educational space that meets the highest standards.
Keywords: virtual educational environment (VEE), programmable simulator of computer attacks, educational process, information security, digital security systems
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