Ekaterina Y. Tolmacheva, PhD in Pedagogy, Senior lecturer of the Department of Russian language № 4, Institute of Russian language, People’s Friendship University of Russia named after P. Lumumba, e-mail: tolmacheva_eyu@pfur.ru
Olga A. Sveshnikova, PhD in Philology, Accociate Professor of the Department of Russian language № 4, Institute of Russian language, People’s Friendship University of Russia named after P. Lumumba, e-mail: sveshnikova_oa@pfur.ru
The article is focused on learning Russian, Russian culture and values through Russian movies aimed to form university students’ communicative, sociocultural and linguoculturological competencies in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language. The article describes teaching technology with Russian short feature films at the practical lessons in the university with foreign students (level of language proficiency В1+). This post also describes process of learning Russian through popular soviet full-length feature films, which help to learn about Russian history, national character, history of forming Russian society views. These lessons are for bilingual university students (level of language proficiency B2) at the university film club. Short feature films and full-length feature films are considered as audiovisuals for mastering speech and communicative skills, which give opportunities to learn Russian intonations for understanding and expressing verbal intentions and way of learning discourse during doing film tasks. The basic principles of choosing films are formulated in this article. Additionally, the article provides examples of the films and justifies the choice. It gives comment on result of teaching Russian through movies in mono-ethnic and multi-ethnic groups among different faculties and educational areas.
Keywords: Russian as a Foreign Language, cultural code, axiological aspect, communicative competence, linguoculturological competence, audiovisuals, film education, short film and full-length film, Russian intonation
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