Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Phenomenological analysis the aesthetic experience of the artist

O.M. Mazanenko
80,00 ₽

UDC 1:75

DOI 10.20339/AM.12-23.103


Oksana M. Mazanenko, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor, Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky, e-mail:


Based on the aesthetic-phenomenological analysis of the artist’s creativity, the article shows how intentional experiences ‘work’, enriching the aesthetic skills of the artist. They produce new meanings, building new horizons of intersubjective relations with the world and oneself. The intentional structure of creative acts with certain activity-psychological attitudes makes it possible to reveal the process of life-functioning of the author’s consciousness as a non-linear system of correlation of the interpenetrating layers of intentional experiences. A special role is given to existential experiences as a special way of being, prerequisites and conditions for the artist’s creativity.

Keywords: aesthetic experience, artistic creativity, creative consciousness, experiences, intentions, meanings, phenomenology.




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