UDC 378-042.4:004.8
Vitalii I. Lukashchuk, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Docent, Professor of Department of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications at Sevastopol State University, e-mail: luka81@list.ru
This article discusses topical issues related to the implementation of the ChatGPT in the field of education. Many researchers agree that the introduction of ChatGPT in the educational sphere contributes to the implementation of personalized learning, increasing the efficiency of teachers and creating favorable conditions for the learning and development of students. Despite some advantages of using ChatGPT in training, it should not be considered as a reliable tool for gaining knowledge. It is shown that digital inequality in the Russian Federation is gradually being overcome, which further exacerbates the problem of threats to the use of ChatGPT in education. The most acute threats of using ChatGPT in education are analyzed: the problem of establishing the authorship of student work, the formation of distorted ideas about the world, the loss of critical and creative thinking by students, moral degradation. To overcome these threats, it is proposed: to return to work in the classroom, which will help solve the problems associated with professional socialization and the development of critical and creative thinking among students; change the requirements for writing term papers and final qualifying works; in some universities, final qualifying works should be abandoned in favor of state examinations; more actively involve students in scientific and research activities.
Keywords: educational system, digital technologies in education, digital divide, artificial intelligence in education, generative artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, education transformation.
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