Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Project of the technological community of primary professionalization

В.В. Пахарь, Е.И. Пахарь, В.А. Пахарь
80,00 ₽

UDC 37          


VictorV. Pachar, Deputy Director of the School for Research Activities at Municipal educational budget school “Suzanovsk medium educational school” in village Suzanovo, Novosergievsk district of Orenburg region, e-mail:

Elena I. Pachar, Director of the School at Municipal educational budget school “Suzanovsk medium educational school” in village Suzanovo, Novosergievsk district of Orenburg region, e-mail:

Vyacheslav A. Pachar, Teacher at Municipal educational budget school “Suzanovsk medium educational school” in village Suzanovo, Novosergievsk district of Orenburg region, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the creation of a project of the technological community for the subjects of the educational process. It is assumed that the main ideas of the community will be implemented on the digital platform “Faculty”. The authors of the article outlined the goal of creating a community, the benefits and opportunities from its use by interested parties. In the course of the work, possible risks of launching and functioning of the community were identified, a roadmap (milestones) of the project was prepared, and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of using the technology community were identified.

Key words: subjects of the educational process, stakeholders, digital educational platform, risks, roadmap.



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