Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Innovative activities of a social pedagogue in today’s school environment

L.N. Gienko, П. С. Акимов, Е.В. Акимова
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.09:316.35


Liubov N. Gienko, Сand. of Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor at Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, e-mail:

Pavel S. Akimov, 5th year student at Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, e-mail:

Elena V. Akimova, Deputy Director for educational work in the municipal budgetary educational institution “Open (shift) secondary school № 6 Barnaul”, e-mail:


The article reveals the problem of organizing the activities of a social pedagogue in a modern school. The professional standard of a social pedagogue is presented. The characteristic of the technologies of socio-pedagogical activity is given. The work experience of a social teacher of an open (shift) secondary school No. 6 of the city of Barnaul is considered. Special attention is paid to the activities of a social pedagogue with students at risk. The characteristic directions of the work of a social pedagogue with different categories of students are presented. Pedagogically neglected children. Children who are registered in-school. Children who are registered outside of school (for example, in the police). Special attention is paid to interdepartmental interaction in the organization of activities. It is emphasized that socio-pedagogical activity with students at risk involves working with family and teaching staff. The algorithm of work is developed. It allows you to reduce the number of students of deviant behavior. The directions of monitoring of preventive activity are considered. The results of diagnostics to identify the propensity of children to deviant behavior according to certain criteria are presented. Socially desirable behavior. Addictive behavior. Suicidal behavior. Aggressive behavior. Delinquent behavior. The programs implemented in the activities of a social pedagogue with children of deviant behavior are presented.

Key words: innovative activity of a social pedagogue, modern school, technologies, social and pedagogical activity, work experience, risk group, deviant behavior, monitoring, preventive activities, diagnosis of deviant behavior.



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