Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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On the architectonics of personality and consciousness as the non manifest structure of the human being

E.A. Avdeeva, M.V. Kochetkov
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.01+304                  


E.A. Avdeeva is Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof., Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology with a PE-course at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University n.a. Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, e-mail:; M.V. Kochetkov is Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Ass. Prof. of Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Automation at Norilsk State Industrial Institute and Ass. Prof. at Department of Information Technologies of Training and Continuing Education, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk), е-mail:


This study considered personality as a certain quality of the unmanifest, hidden inner world in the structure of a person. This world acts as an ideal construction “grown” in a person during his life. For the birth of an internal artificial pattern, on the one hand, a kind of being must appear, containing a “request” for personal development on the part of a person. On the other hand, there is a person who makes this effort due to his biological incompleteness. Such an act leads to transcending, i.e. going beyond their biological limits, carried out thanks to a personal act, as well as the act of thinking in the process of consciousness. Therefore, in different scientific schools, the personality of a person is not accidentally associated with different forms of consciousness. Particular attention in the text of the article is paid to the works of V.V. Nalimov, who developed a model of personality and its multidimensional consciousness. Based on the approach of this scientist, the author of the article redefines the concept of personality and claims that today an important role is played by the need to solve the problem of finding a model of education that is adequate to solving the problem of developing personal principles and multidimensional consciousness in the structure of a person.

Key words: man, personality, consciousness, education, anthropology, humanitarization, upbringing.



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